I can support you with all of the new priorities for English medium settings:
- cultural capability
- local curriculum design
- assessment for learning
- Developing your school's Localised Curriculum
- Strengthening distance/remote teaching and learning capability across your school community (children, teachers, parents)
- Digital Technologies
- Digital Fluency
- Teacher Inquiry
- Induction and Mentoring provisionally certificated teachers
- Principal and teacher appraisal
- Visible Learning - Hattie
- Meaningful Assessment for ALL students
- Inclusive Practice. Working with your SENCo, classroom teachers and teachers' aides
Digital Technologies and FluencyAs an accredited facilitator (ACC 461) I have current contracts working with small and large schools in the digital technologies and digital fluency areas. I have been coding with children for over 20 years and have facilitated the MindLab workshops. I was part of the development team for the current Technology learning area of the NZ Curriculum and was responsible for consultation and its national rollout when acting MoE Senior Adviser for Technology. I am loving working with the new digital technology material that sits within the Technology learning area.
Inclusive EdInclusive Schools
All children are entitled to an education system that enables them to reach their potential. Developing a school wide understanding of what Inclusive Schools will give teachers the skills to be able to do this. Sencos and Support Staff I have grown several regional Senco networks and worked closely with their support staff over several years. I was a Senco in a large Napier school so understand the role well. Significant relationships with the wider network - MoE, RTLB, SWIS, etc. have resulted from this mahi, and my understanding of how things work, who does what and which strings to pull is significant. Special SchoolsFairhaven Special School in Hawke's Bay worked with us in numeracy, technology and education for sustainability over several years. We pulled it all together with a Transpower Neighbourhood Engineers project to build a pathway to their outdoor classroom at Valhalla Camp. The pathway had to be designed to enable all children to access learning in the area.
We worked with Fairhaven students and teachers on this Pathway Project for two years, with help from a professional engineer from Hastings District Council and a roading engineer from Downer, a local roading company. Fairhaven and Kowhai Special Schools now make frequent use of the area along with many other schools. |
Teacher InquiryAssessment, using evidence, developing targeted teaching programmes and teacher appraisal are threaded throughout work being done in a local secondary school. This is going to be a major project and one that has huge potential.
I have worked with a large cluster of Taranaki schools and with a small Napier school using the Spirals of Inquiry and John Hattie's 'Visible Learning research for their in-depth inquiries. In both projects we used Spirals to scaffold the work and Hattie's research to resource changes in teacher practice. We used video observation techniques to capture evidence of the impact of changes, and the GROWTH Coaching framework to empower teachers to own their decisions. Learning how to use and analyse qualitative data effectively was a significant part of these projects. eLearningeLearning, using technology to access, engage with and learn from/with the world, has been part of all professional development over the past 5 years. I have co-authored two research papers about the effectiveness of smart technologies being used to support quality teaching.
Smart devices for supporting inquiry and conversations in early childhood education. He Kupu Improving Teaching Practice in Early Childhood Supported By Mobile Technology Whole School and Community ProjectsNapier Intermediate School is working with us in the planning phase of a future focused, long term environmental sustainability project around the national goal of a Predator Free 2050 NZ. DoC, City and Regional Councils, NGOs and other community agencies such as Cape to Coast are collaborating with us to make this a student driven, community based project.
School Wide ReviewI have conducted several school wide reviews. I work with the school to capture evidence and data in ways that meet the needs of the school, the context, and people involved. For example;
Outdoor ClassroomsSeveral schools use Valhalla Camp, a farm-based school campsite in Hawke's Bay, as an outdoor classroom for day trips and overnight camps. These days provide a genuine context for ongoing real learning and tie in strongly with NZ Curriculum. We can help you to plan these days around the opportunities we have recognised and developed over the past 20 years.